This year in my new classroom has been an awesome week at school. I always enjoy learning in class with my new funny teacher and my new class mates. This week in maths we have been learning about Statistics. Statistic means The study of gathering and analysing data. On each slide we learn what each type of graph means and we learn the meaning of words in the maths way for example: We learn what Average, Scatter plot and other words. in the senior block it is fun and sometimes not fun. It is new and interesting. This year I am looking forward to going to Tamaki college and have a experience what it is like.
At Tamaki college we learn about science, Home materials, graphics, and food. Last year I know I improved alot but this year I am learning more and more and it is cool. We have been making up our own chants for our class room. This year I have new friends and it has changed alot and we also have to sleep early everyday because the seniors start at 8:30. When the bell rings we all sit in our street in our big space, and the year 8's has to say a prayer and a speech then one of the teachers.