This blog is a record of my learning from Point England Primary School through to Tamaki College.
Tuesday, 13 December 2016
Summer learning journey - Mexico
The reason why I pick this topic was because I really wanted to visit mexico one day, and to learn about mexico more. I would love to learn how to speak Spanish, It would be cool to do bull fighting too. What I learnt was that Mexico is the 14th largest country by land area, There are also 41 states in Mexico as well as the capital city. The president of Mexico is Enrique Pena Nieto.

Friday, 4 November 2016
Friday, 14 October 2016
Ch ch ch ch Changes
Walt:Synthesis information from multiple sources.
Solids are a matter to of course probably the obvious kind, Rocks are solid, Computers, Ipads, I phone and just like rocks all these things has weight and takes up space. Sometimes matter can be seen or felt but its there like the air we breath air is a example of gas. I also learnt more but i'd like to share it with you soon. Thank you for reading my blog post i hope you enjoyed it.
Wednesday, 21 September 2016
Scary clown- Narritive
There was a girl named Chloe she is 18yrs of age and she was traveling around the world but she stayed in a Hotel for a week. One day the weather was terrible, there was lightning the trees were flowing everywhere some of the trees we falling down. Cleo was at the market buying some groceries and it was getting a bit windy so she quickly made her way back to the hotel.
She was looking for a good Horror movie and Chloe decided to watch a scary movie with a clown on it. She got her snacks ready and started to watch the beginning of the movie. First the movie started with a family who lived in a two story house, one day the family went to a circus and their was lots of toys and fun activities. Suddenly the young girl spotted a clown and she was scared of clowns but her parents told her to face her fears and go say hi to the clown. The girl went and said ‘Hi’ but the clown just looked at her and smiled.
When the family was finished at the circus they went to McDonald got a feed and they were on their way back home but the girl looked outside at saw a clown and she was so scared but she stayed quiet. The clown had a hammer and the mouth of the clown had blood all over. Cleo was just bored of the movie but the face of the clown was stuck in her head she couldn’t get the picture out of her head. She was so tired so she went to bed and forgot to do her prayer.
She slept and had a dream of the clown in the movie she was so scared, she never liked clowns ever since she was little. The clown started to chase after her and it was so dark she ran into the woods and hid behind a tree, the clown was quietly and slowly sneaking up through the trees and you could hear his footsteps by the dead leaves on the floor. He was stomping through the leaves & it sounded like someone was eating crunchy chips.
Chloe was scared to death as she could hear the footsteps getting closer and CLOSER!! Suddenly it stopped she looked around the tree looked around the woods and saw that their was nothing all of a sudden the clown jump and tackled her than she woke up from her horrible dream. Chloe felt strange the whole day about her dream and just thought about it.
A few weeks later she forgot about it and she was on her own buzz for the rest of the week but one day it happened. She knew that once she saw the clown she clicked and remembered about her dream and thought she has to face her fears and she looked around saw a sharp block of wood. She went up to the clown and started to fight with the clown it took awhile for her to win because the clown was all big and bulky and Chloe knew if she didn’t face her fears she wouldn’t got tackled down to the floor like what happened in her ream.
She slept and had a dream of the clown in the movie she was so scared, she never liked clowns ever since she was little. The clown started to chase after her and it was so dark she ran into the woods and hid behind a tree, the clown was quietly and slowly sneaking up through the trees and you could hear his footsteps by the dead leaves on the floor. He was stomping through the leaves & it sounded like someone was eating crunchy chips.
Chloe was scared to death as she could hear the footsteps getting closer and CLOSER!! Suddenly it stopped she looked around the tree looked around the woods and saw that their was nothing all of a sudden the clown jump and tackled her than she woke up from her horrible dream. Chloe felt strange the whole day about her dream and just thought about it.
A few weeks later she forgot about it and she was on her own buzz for the rest of the week but one day it happened. She knew that once she saw the clown she clicked and remembered about her dream and thought she has to face her fears and she looked around saw a sharp block of wood. She went up to the clown and started to fight with the clown it took awhile for her to win because the clown was all big and bulky and Chloe knew if she didn’t face her fears she wouldn’t got tackled down to the floor like what happened in her ream.
Bang!! Clash!! Loud noises coming from them two and suddenly the clown was bettend to the ground you could see Blood all over Chloe and the ground. The past few years chloe felt sad but she kinda felt good too that the clown was gone for ever.
Term 3 Reflection
Yesterday we wrote a Presentation about our reflection in term 3. I love term 3 so far it was the best term ever. Thank you so much Mr Wiseman, Mrs Tele'a, Ms Nada, Ms Berry, Ms Clark, Ms Muliamasealii, and Mrs Iloa for being the great awesome responsible teacher in term 3. You all made everyone proud you guys are fantastic Keep up the hard work teachers.
Thursday, 15 September 2016
Hiwi the kiwi
Yesterday in the morning we had visitors, They were known as Hiwi the kiwi’s. They came to our school to tell us about fishing in the future. Mr and Mrs Minstrel brang some Prizes for the children who got the right answer. There also was a challenge to who ever wrote the best writing about Hiwi the Kiwi then they will win the fishing rod.
It was awesome and funny how they were singing a lovely song while the school was dancing, ‘It was so fun’. Mr Minstrel told us the rules about the fish, so there’s a ruler and it shows the measurement of the fish is allowed to take home. There was also a real cool funny true song about Kai Moana. Click here to see the lyrics.
Thank you to Mrs and Mr Minstrel for visiting our school and for making a great awesome performance. We really appreciated how you guys came and reminded us about fishing in the future. Thank you very much :).
Rio Olympics 2016
Walt: Justifying - I clarify and justify my own interpretation and understanding of complex ideas and issues.
On a Sunny exciting day the athlete’s were ready , they trained their hardest and worked the legs off until the day finally came. When the Rio Olympic start they were fired up ready to boost all their energy out and kinda nervous at the same time thinking about what they might come but they all thought positive and got ready for the run.
It was time for them to run they were excited, as they lined up next to each other, some of them felt tense and the other were just ready and focused. The gun shot fired and they ran as fast as they could tryna pass every single person. As they thought they would win the athlete from behind picked up there paste and started to sprint then once they reached up to there other running partner they all started to run so fast that you couldn't really see their legs, their legs looked like ghost sprinting across the stadium.
Everybody in the crowd were cheering happily, waving their flag from side to side. Once the athlete's were near the finish line they all looked puffed out they couldn’t run anymore but they really wanted to win so they ran and used up every little bit of energy they had. Sadly some Of the athlete’s did not make it. Usain bolt made it to the finish line and came 1st place. He was super fast racing through the athlete’s like he was flash and happily came 1st.
All the runners were puffed out really really tired and had a long rest, drank lots and lots of water.The surprising thing was that Usain Bolt beat his own time record, It was Insane. Everyone was really surprised at Bolt’s record everyone was just in shock but the race was over, everyone was Happy but the athlete’s that didn't make it were obviously not so happy and the day ended for them.
I felt really happy for all the runner’s because they ran their hardest and worked there legs right off to make become 1st, 2nd, 3rd or just to cross the finish line. They worked really hard during the massive race also when I was watching them race I just wished that I could give my energy to them so they can use it to win. Well Done to all the athletes that competed in the race. ‘’KEEP IT UP’’.
It was time for them to run they were excited, as they lined up next to each other, some of them felt tense and the other were just ready and focused. The gun shot fired and they ran as fast as they could tryna pass every single person. As they thought they would win the athlete from behind picked up there paste and started to sprint then once they reached up to there other running partner they all started to run so fast that you couldn't really see their legs, their legs looked like ghost sprinting across the stadium.
Everybody in the crowd were cheering happily, waving their flag from side to side. Once the athlete's were near the finish line they all looked puffed out they couldn’t run anymore but they really wanted to win so they ran and used up every little bit of energy they had. Sadly some Of the athlete’s did not make it. Usain bolt made it to the finish line and came 1st place. He was super fast racing through the athlete’s like he was flash and happily came 1st.
All the runners were puffed out really really tired and had a long rest, drank lots and lots of water.The surprising thing was that Usain Bolt beat his own time record, It was Insane. Everyone was really surprised at Bolt’s record everyone was just in shock but the race was over, everyone was Happy but the athlete’s that didn't make it were obviously not so happy and the day ended for them.
I felt really happy for all the runner’s because they ran their hardest and worked there legs right off to make become 1st, 2nd, 3rd or just to cross the finish line. They worked really hard during the massive race also when I was watching them race I just wished that I could give my energy to them so they can use it to win. Well Done to all the athletes that competed in the race. ‘’KEEP IT UP’’.
The winner is
Justifying - I clarify and justify my own interpretation and understanding of ideas and issues.
Muscle tired?
Walt:Justifying- I clarify and justify my own interpretation also understanding ideas and issue's.
Give it a shot
Walt:Justifying-I clarify and justify my own interpretation also understanding and issue's.
Today we read a story about a young girl named Lauren she took part in a sport which was shot put. Her father cared a lot about her health and her sports. Lauren just kept on eating chocolate cookies. Suddenly her made her run laps at night and made her exercise a lot then Lauren started to take control of whats she was eating. At the finals of the shot put competition Lauren gave it a shot and she came first place.
Today we read a story about a young girl named Lauren she took part in a sport which was shot put. Her father cared a lot about her health and her sports. Lauren just kept on eating chocolate cookies. Suddenly her made her run laps at night and made her exercise a lot then Lauren started to take control of whats she was eating. At the finals of the shot put competition Lauren gave it a shot and she came first place.
Wednesday, 7 September 2016
Wednesday, 31 August 2016
Wednesday, 24 August 2016
Walt:Justifying - I clarify and justify my own interpretation and understanding of complex ideas and issues .
Narritive Writing
On a Sunny exciting day the athlete’s were ready ,they trained their hardest and worked the legs off until the day finally came. When the Rio Olympic start they were fired up ready to boost all their energy out and kinda nervous at the same time thinking about what they might come but they all thought positive and got ready for the run.
It was time for them to run they were excited, as they lined up next to each other, some of them felt tense and the other were just ready and focused. The gun shot fired and they ran as fast as they could tryna pass every single person. As they thought they would win the athlete from behind picked up there paste and started to sprint then once they reached up to there other running partner they all started to run so fast that you couldn't really see their legs, their legs looked like ghost sprinting across the stadium.
Everybody in the crowd were cheering happily, waving their flag from side to side. Once the athlete's were near the finish line they all looked puffed out they couldn’t run anymore but they really wanted to win so they ran and used up every little bit of energy they had. Sadly some
Of the athlete’s did not make it. Usain bolt made it to the finish line and came 1st place. He was super fast racing through the athlete’s like he was flash and happily came 1st.
All the runners were puffed out really really tired and had a long rest, drank lots and lots of water.The surprising thing was that Usain Bolt beat his own time record, It was Insane. Everyone was really surprised at Bolt’s record everyone was just in shock but the race was over, everyone was Happy but the athlete’s that didn't make it were obviously not so happy and the day ended for them.
I felt really happy for all the runner’s because they ran their hardest and worked there legs right off to make become 1st, 2nd, 3rd or just to cross the finish line. They worked really hard during the massive race also when I was watching them race I just wished that I could give my energy to them so they can use it to win. Well Done to all the athletes that competed in the race. ‘’KEEP IT UP’’.
Thursday, 18 August 2016
Nikki Hamblin
Walt:Justifying - I clarify and justify my own interpretation and understanding of complex ideas and issues
Today I learnt about Nikki Hamblin, she had great courage and great sportsmanship. She had a kiwi Olympic spirit. I hope you enjoy reading.
Today I learnt about Nikki Hamblin, she had great courage and great sportsmanship. She had a kiwi Olympic spirit. I hope you enjoy reading.
Monday, 1 August 2016
Why do our muscles get tired.
Walt:I support my answers with evidence from the text.
Last week we learnt why our bodies need energy, oxygen and we also learnt why do our muscles get tired. In this presentation we had to skim and scan through the text of the story to find out the answer. We also found out that there is a lot of things that makes your body,legs and arms tired. Enjoy reading my presentation
Last week we learnt why our bodies need energy, oxygen and we also learnt why do our muscles get tired. In this presentation we had to skim and scan through the text of the story to find out the answer. We also found out that there is a lot of things that makes your body,legs and arms tired. Enjoy reading my presentation
Friday, 8 July 2016
Yesterday Team 5 had a visitor her name was Miss Williams she came to tell us that in the holidays we could go on a site and Register then try out these weekly activities. The most exciting thing is that if you post a blog about the weekly activities every single day then you could end up winning a prize when you come back to school in assembly. The most Important thing is that you have to register so when you post a a writing then Miss William knows that you have blogged. When you have blogged about one of the weekly activities it says how many points you get for posting under the paragraph on the site so here is the site Here. When you've posted something you should get a comment back from Miss William or her 6yrs old son. The sport I have chosen is Boxing because boxing is a cool great sport to try out. Similar to the boxing fights we see however today or when ever, instead of boxing gloves they use long stripes of leather wrapped around there hands.A form of martial art is combined with wrestling and boxing.
Wednesday, 29 June 2016
Monday, 27 June 2016
Wednesday, 15 June 2016
The Art groups
Walt: Manage ourselves and our time to complete a piece of writing.
Today I was writing about The art groups we have in team 5. There is 5 groups of the art group and they are all creative and intelligent. I hope you enjoy reading my writing : ) .
This term our topic was as I see it. We also have our own art groups that we split into to and all the groups are amazing but first to know the group we had to discover and try out each group first then we can chose our own group we can be in. The first I was in was wool and nail art, also in that group we first had to get a small square wood and get a paper that was cut out into any shape you want but we all just a star. The first thing we had to do was nail in the middle of the star.
Our next step was to nail the 4 corners of the inside of the star then nail in each corner of the outside star. That was amazing how we nailed it in because it was fun and we were all happy about our star. The last step was to wrap the wool around and inside the star to make it look creative and cool. The second group was flax and harakeke that was the group that I never tried out so I didn't have any experience about that group but I bet you that flax and harakeke is a fun group that everyone enjoy’s.
Third group was crayon and dye art we drawed a picture and colored it with crayon and then repaint it with dye. The fourth group was Sculpturing I haven't tried out that group because I was away that day but I picked that group because I love sculpting and so I reckon it was the group I was supposed to be in. The final group was The logo design, that group was cool, great, and amazing because we could draw on a paper what did our house colour mean or whatever pattern we draw what does it mean. If we also chose that group the patterns and designs we drawed it could go on a T-shirt, cup and a hat.
Thanks for reading my writing about the art groups in team five I really hope that you enjoyed it and I also hope that one day you guys can do it at the school you work at or you can do it as a fun activity for your kids at home.
Today I was writing about The art groups we have in team 5. There is 5 groups of the art group and they are all creative and intelligent. I hope you enjoy reading my writing : ) .
This term our topic was as I see it. We also have our own art groups that we split into to and all the groups are amazing but first to know the group we had to discover and try out each group first then we can chose our own group we can be in. The first I was in was wool and nail art, also in that group we first had to get a small square wood and get a paper that was cut out into any shape you want but we all just a star. The first thing we had to do was nail in the middle of the star.
Our next step was to nail the 4 corners of the inside of the star then nail in each corner of the outside star. That was amazing how we nailed it in because it was fun and we were all happy about our star. The last step was to wrap the wool around and inside the star to make it look creative and cool. The second group was flax and harakeke that was the group that I never tried out so I didn't have any experience about that group but I bet you that flax and harakeke is a fun group that everyone enjoy’s.
Third group was crayon and dye art we drawed a picture and colored it with crayon and then repaint it with dye. The fourth group was Sculpturing I haven't tried out that group because I was away that day but I picked that group because I love sculpting and so I reckon it was the group I was supposed to be in. The final group was The logo design, that group was cool, great, and amazing because we could draw on a paper what did our house colour mean or whatever pattern we draw what does it mean. If we also chose that group the patterns and designs we drawed it could go on a T-shirt, cup and a hat.
Thanks for reading my writing about the art groups in team five I really hope that you enjoyed it and I also hope that one day you guys can do it at the school you work at or you can do it as a fun activity for your kids at home.
Tuesday, 14 June 2016
10 things we should say more often.
Walt: Manage ourselves and our time to complete a piece of writing.
Here is a padlet that me and my friends made, its about 10 things we should say more often, for example we should say our manners more often. These may also give you ideas what to say to people or things you should say more often. Enjoy : ) .
Here is a padlet that me and my friends made, its about 10 things we should say more often, for example we should say our manners more often. These may also give you ideas what to say to people or things you should say more often. Enjoy : ) .
Pacific Origins:Types of waka
Walt: Detailed ideas/information supports the main idea in a text.
Here is a presentation about different types of waka it says how many meters how long it is and one of them called Waka Taua is the biggest waka its is up to 30 meters long that some could even hold One hundred people.
Here is a presentation about different types of waka it says how many meters how long it is and one of them called Waka Taua is the biggest waka its is up to 30 meters long that some could even hold One hundred people.
Boys2Men Brainstorm
Walt: Recount key points and facts from a film or trailer with detailed reflection.
Today I am posting all my my brainstorms onto my blog. I also am very proud of my work.
I reckon it is great and it have enough detail. Please enjoy reading my post I hope you enjoy.
Today I am posting all my my brainstorms onto my blog. I also am very proud of my work.
I reckon it is great and it have enough detail. Please enjoy reading my post I hope you enjoy.
Thursday, 9 June 2016
Narrative writing
WALT: Mange ourselves and our time to complete a piece of writing.
Here is my writing about My Horrible, Terrifying morning. It explains what I heard and what it sounded like. Please enjoy reading my blog about my Terrifying morning and
I hope no one has this kind of morning.
Here is my writing about My Horrible, Terrifying morning. It explains what I heard and what it sounded like. Please enjoy reading my blog about my Terrifying morning and
I hope no one has this kind of morning.
In a cold sunny morning I woke up at 6:00am. I was cold and freezing so I turned the heater on and it was nice and warm then once I was warm enough I reached over and turned off the heater. I was falling back to sleep until I heard a creaking noise then I just ignored it I just said to myself It was the dogs. 5mins later it happened again but this one was louder then I realised the dogs are in the backyard and all the doors are locked and no door is open. All of a sudden it started to get cold and I was frightened so I got up and open the door and there was nothing just wind but I was wondering why could I feel wind when all the doors were locked and closed even the garage door.
I ran back to bed and tried to ignore it but it just keeping making that creaking sound over and over and I got so mad that I yelled out and said ‘’ BE QUIET’’. Then the sound stopped I looked at the time and it was 6:40 I just couldn't sleep anymore so I stayed up staring at the wall for a couple of minutes then I had to force myself to sleep to get a little rest before I go to school so once I closed my eyes I knew something was gonna happen I’m gonna have a bad dream or I’m gonna see something when I open my eyes so I had a second thought and decided I’m not gonna go sleep.
A few minutes later I heard scratching noises on the floor and I went up closer and I heard claws scraping on the floor. I was so frightened my mind went blank I didn't know what to do so I went back to bed and tried to calm myself down and face my fears. As I go back to bed and I was calmed down the claws started to get louder so I woke up my brother and asked him to drop me off home because at that time I was sleeping at my sisters, so he got up and warmed up the car and got ready then he dropped me off home and then I had to get ready for school then came to school late and horrified.
Saturday, 4 June 2016
How to make Fun slime
Today I will be teaching you how to make slime. I love playing with slime and it is just fun to play with also its a really fun object that kids love especially young kids.
In one bowl put as much of glue as you want the bigger the glue the bigger the slime. Next you get the other bowl and put a teaspoon of borax and water and then start mixing, you have to keep mixing until you can see that the solution is desolve. A better is to put water in a bottle then put the borax in then shake the bottle. If you want food colouring into your slime add 4-5 drops or if you want your colour light then add 1-2 drops. If you dont have food colouring then you can use paint add little drops. Next add your borax solution to your glue but add the borax solution in slowly so your slime can be stretchy. Keep mixing and straight away it will start to into SLIME. Once you made your slime and had a little play with it store it into a container like a jar. This slime will probably last for a month. Thanks for reading my blog about Slime hope you enjoyed.
Here are the ingredients you need:
2 bowl
2 cups
food colouring.

Monday, 9 May 2016
WALT:Reflect and respond on key features and points of a performance or assembly presentation: Extend writing using descriptive detailed vocabulary and sentences.
Wednesday, 13 April 2016
Today we watched a movie that was filmed by Miss Muliamaseali'i and her crew from her old school she used to work at. This movie was filmed at Glen Innes and the poster is about the movie how the main characters were and how I felt enjoy reading my post.
Monday, 11 April 2016
A.I.M Writing
Aspiration, Inspiration, Motivation.
Today at 9:15 we had three amazing quest come to visit the team 5 block to talk about their education and about other important things. Our amazing guest’s names were Kenese,Arizona and Andrew Patterson. Arizona’s life sound’s amazing and extremely fun she works for Disney world which is all the way in Orlando- Florida, she also got to meet most of the most of the cartoon characters for example she meet all the characters from Mickey mouse and the princess and frog and all sorts of other actris from cartoons. She also taught us to Work hard, share happiness and dream big it was amazing. Kenese life was actually surprising it was way different to Arizona’s life because Kenesi was born in Samoa and raised up without a dad. It was so sad because Kenese didn’t know his dad but the important thing was when him and his family moved to New Zealand his mom meet somebody and that person didn’t treat Kenese like he was invisible he treated him like a son and that was extraordinary for Kenese. Kenese’s story was amazing it touched my heart because it was so sad and i never felt like that before.
Thank You Andrew Patterson for organizing the speakers team.
Thursday, 17 March 2016
Mrs Iloa
Mrs Iloa I want to thank you for being a great teacher to team 5. You have been really amazing to all of us.
You are beautiful and you have an awesome personality. You are kind, intelligent, and you are beautiful. Thanks for all the hard word you have done at Point England school. Thank you for helping me with reading reading and thank you for keeping me on track. You are AWESOME!!!.
Friday, 4 March 2016
The Memorial Service
This week was a sad week for Point England. A great member of our school has died and I am very very sorry for there lost also today our school had a memorial service for her and her family. The lovely member of our school is Priscilla Tui, she was a great netball player, coach for the rugby team, and she will make sandwiches for children at our school for the children who don't have any lunch. We all love Priscilla Tui and her family and will never forget her.
R.I.P Priscilla Tui.
Friday, 12 February 2016
First 2 weeks at school
At Tamaki college we learn about science, Home materials, graphics, and food. Last year I know I improved alot but this year I am learning more and more and it is cool. We have been making up our own chants for our class room. This year I have new friends and it has changed alot and we also have to sleep early everyday because the seniors start at 8:30. When the bell rings we all sit in our street in our big space, and the year 8's has to say a prayer and a speech then one of the teachers.
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