Hi my name is Akosita and I am 10 years old. I have 8 brothers and 4 sisters. My mum is full Tongan and my dad is part German.I would love the opportunity to be an ambassador to learn more things and to do more things in my life. Being An ambassador means everything to me it will also help me be confident speaking in front of visitors and in front of the whole school. When I speak in front of visitors I would love to share my learning with them.
One of my blog post I've learned from and would like to share is the point England way.What I learned about this post is to be nice to each other,say their names and say excuse me.I learned how to post my learning on my blog and I learned how to draw an animation.Here is a link called Good Friend about the point England way.
I hope I am considered as an ambassador. I will do a great job.
The things I have done to learn,create and share was a animation on the hyperstudio.I animated a story about gravity,objects that float .